Love's Spark: The Journey of Max and Julie's Toi et Moi Ring

Love's Spark: The Journey of Max and Julie's Toi et Moi Ring

Posted by Elizabeth Potts on

A notification lit onto Julies’ screen. Reaching over, she swiped the screen open and as her dating app opened her friend peered curiously over her shoulder.

‘Max! I know him! You absolutely need to meet him. I’m going to set you two up now.’

In Brooklyn, Max gets two messages from his friend Amanda, one that reads “Julie is a gem, you should definitely take her out” and another introducing the two of them. Pushing his glasses up, he reads his screen. A smile spreads across his face and after a quick, witty response he places his phone back in his pocket feeling lighter than he had a moment ago.


A planned first meeting interrupted by Covid could have been an end before a beginning, but after their 90minute FaceTime Max had found something in Julie he couldn’t get out of his head. She was hard working; stylish and chic without being fussy or pretentious. She cared deeply about her relationships and as he got to know her circle more, it showed brilliantly. He loved how sharp, how effortless Julie was.

On the F train from Central Park to Boerum Hill, Max looked at her and knew she was the one.

I always believe that good stones find good people and this has never been more obvious than when I started this custom ring journey with Max for Julie. A mutual friend of ours had introduced us and said “Take care of him, he’s a great guy”.


Max and Julie had looked around at rings, always drawn to the Toi et Moi style but never finding one that felt just right. As Max and I met, I shared with him that I feel as though the right stones find the right people, kind of like love. Sure enough, when I started the diamond hunt, a needle in a haystack of a pear landed in our lap. A vintage stone with incredible proportions without sacrificing sparkle was the perfect omen and the rest folded in so beautifully as if it were guided by the ease of their connection to one another.



Shortly after handing the ring to Max, I ran into them at a house party and it was all I could do not to squeeze Julie and tell her how honored I was to be a part of making something that was so wonderfully perfect for her. By the skin of my teeth we got through it and Max later proposed to her on a walk from their Brooklyn home they share together, surprised by family and friends.

Mazel Tov, Max and Julie. You deserve every bit of wonder and happiness life has to offer.


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